In the tent
Best served cold...
Not an art car
Random folks
Union plunge team
random plungers
Ravens fan
Lovers of artcars- tpyical portrait moment
Captain Defense
And so it was another day another plunger! WE were plungers helpers!
Press Release- Annotated Excerpts
Annotations not in the book itself are in italics
Contact- 410-789-0930 Hutman Productions Conrad Bladey
Book Title: Travels with Charlie and Miss Helen Linthicum
Author: Conrad Jay Bladey
Available from: Hutman Productions. Web order form-
Description- Leatherette and wire binding, 92 Pages. Illustrated.
$12.00 with first class postage, Add $3.80 for priority. Discounts for bulk purchases.
I have chosen the annotated excerpt format as the book is not large.I think your readers will find the following portions of interest. I will attach images to e.mail or put them on a disk if necessary.
Charles and Helen Linthicum lived exciting lives contributing greatly to our history. Charles in fact contributed to the creation of our environment as well as to the way our local economy has developed.
As I started my research a few months ago I never thought I would find that the Linthicums were so famous and important. Additionally I did not think that there would be so many places and things in our region associated with them. Therefore, I decided to take the time to gather all of the places and things together so that readers could get a sense of history through visiting them and perhaps learn a bit about the Linthicums as well.
Rather than to go into the lives of the Linthicums I direct you to my extensive web pages on the topic:
The book contains a basic biography derived from the web pages.
One of the things that I decided to do was to include places which are no longer in existence. The Linthicum's
Another of my interests is to provide the information as a starting point. By visiting places readers start to enter the world of the Linthicums. The next step is to learn some of the stories, become inspired to create other artworks and productions such as murals, plays, poetry and even movies….the possibilities are endless. These were fascinating people and by getting to know their legacy of monuments and by walking in their footprints a part of their personalities can be re-activated.
From the Book-p.3
Charles and Helen Linthicum began
their lives in the period immediately following the Civil War. Guided by the “Gospel of Wealth” of the Gilded Age, the Linthicums were dedicated to public service and the improvement of the country through patriotism and the development of nationalism. This motivated them to lead efforts to preserve historic sites as well as to build monuments which they hoped would help bind the nation together, inspire it, and give it strength. They were both committed to the improvement of the City of Baltimore, Maryland, and the region, particularly
From the book p. 4.
Table of Contents
A Few Ideas...5
About the Linthicums...6
Turkey Hill...27
Linthicum United
Twin Oaks Home of Charles Linthicum...45
Biden Linthicum Residence...53
Clark Linthicum Townhouse...55
Business Offices...57
The USS Constellation...67
Church of the Epiphany...73
House Foreign Affairs Committee Room...81
Paintings at the
Stone in the National Cathedral...85
Perry Graves,
Public Buildings in
Conclusion and Recommendations...89
For Further
From the book- p. 33. The
Return to
Sweetser Linthicum Junior describes the church and its origins as follows:
“When there was evidence that Linthicum Heights would become the center of a residential community, those interested in the religious life of the people felt that the few remaining activities of Holly Run Methodist Protestant Church which had rendered such splendid constructive religious service for the community during a period of eighty-two years, should be transferred to Linthicum Heights. The Linthicum Heights Company in honor of the parents of the members, Mr. Sweetser Linthicum and Mrs. Laura E. Linthicum, gave two lots of ground on the corner of Old Annapolis and Maple Roads, for the erection of a church thereupon. Through the purchase of these lots, the bequestment of $2,000.00 by Dr. Asa S. Linthicum, to the
The church contains beautiful stained glass windows, the most conspicuous being the handsome large memorial window at the rear of the church entitled “The Good Shepherd,” placed as a memorial to Mr. and Mrs. Sweetser Linthicum by their children. A large bell was installed in the church by Mrs. J. Charles (Helen Perry) Linthicum, in memory of her niece, Mrs. Virginia Perry Dillon. The pulpit furnishings were given by Mrs. Mary Stansbury Pardee, and the inscription on a silver plate upon the pulpit stand marks it as a memorial to herself and husband. A handsome marble baptismal font was given by Dr. and Mrs. Milton Linthicum as memorial to Dr. Linthicum's parents, Mr. Sweetser Linthicum and Mrs. Laura E. Linthicum. In 1933 Congressman J. Charles Linthicum bequeathed the sum of $10,000 to the church for chimes in memory of his wife, Mrs. J. Charles (Helen Perry) Linthicum. In the spring of 1938, members of the Shipley family gave two large altar chairs to the church in memory of their parents, Mr. R. Luther Shipley and Mrs. Annie Linthicum Shipley.
-Linthicum, Sweetser, Jr. A Brief History of
From the book p.53
This is a mysterious place. We know next to nothing about the married life of Charles and Eugenia- but judging from the former glory of this neighborhood we know it started well.
It is interesting to envision the young Charles Linthicum getting his start here in law and then real estate.
Biden Linthicum Residence
This address no longer exists.
We don't know much about the short marriage of John Charles Linthicum to Eugenia Biden. We have only the wedding announcement, the announcement of the death of Eugenia which includes the residence address and a memorial verses printed below.
Hymeneal. Linthicum-Biden, Fayette Street M. E. Church, Baltimore was crowded Tuesday night of last week, the occasion being the nuptials of Miss. Eugenia May Biden, well known and related in Frederick, and Mr. J. Charles Linthicum. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. B. Stitt, pastor of the church. The bride wore a frock of white satin en traine, trimmed with lace, and wore diamond ornaments. She carried an immense bunch of white chrysanthemums, tied with white satin ribbon. The bridesmaids were Miss Ada Biden, Miss May Beason, Miss Clara Divens and Miss Julia Biden. They were simply attired in cream silk gowns trimmed with lace. Each carried a bunch of pink chrysanthemums, held together with ribbon of corresponding shade. Dr. G. Milton Linthicum acted as best man. The ushers were Wm. T. Markland, Jr., Dr. William S. Love, Samuel S. Linthicum, Harry M. Biden and Wm. Biden. Miss Lillian Biden and Master Edgar S. Benson acted as pages and followed the bridal party to the altar, carrying a wreath of chrysanthemums. A reception was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Biden, parents of the bride, 1329 West
-Frederick News, Wednesday, December 06, 1893.
LINTHICUM, - On February 25, 1897, at 1:30 A.M., EUGENIA B., beloved wife of J. Charles Linthicum, and only child of Edward Biden.
Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence,
morning, at eleven o'clock. Interment private.
-The Sun (
Linthicum- In remembrance of my niece, Eugenia B. Linthicum, who died one year ago today, February 25, 1897
Dear Eugenia could you speak to us,
And could you live again,
Our longing hearts would then be healed,
But this we wish in vain,
Our hearts are sad and lonely now,
Our grief too deep to tell
But time will come, to us so soon
That we may with you dwell.
You are not forgotten, Eugenia, dear,
Nor ever will you be
For as long as life and memory lasts,
We will always remember thee.
By her Aunt. Mrs. Mary Diven.
-The Sun., 02-25-1898; Volume: CXXII; Issue: 87; Page: 4
From the book p. 72. My journey of discovery started when I questioned the commemoration of Mr. Linthicum as the man who got the Star Spangled Banner recognized as our national anthem. I knew that there was at least a bit more….but I was surprised that there was so much more. What would be commemorated on the monument set up by his wife? It was not the anthem, nor the fight to end prohibition. Here in the cemetery are the graves of Helen and Charles but one is missing. When she died in 1944 Helen stipulated in her will that her adopted son Charles Linthicum II (her nephew) was to be buried in the family plot as well. The wife of Charles' son Charles Linthicum III could not tell me where Charles II has been laid to rest. Perhaps someone out there knows?
Take the Baltimore Beltway (695) to the exit for
Both John Charles Linthicum (8340) and Helen A. Linthicum (12583) were buried beneath a black granite obelisk memorial at
Inscription: In Loving Memory of John Charles Linthicum Beloved Husband of Helen A. Linthicum Born November 26th 1867 Entered into Life Eternal on the 5th day of October 1932, Member of the United States House of Representatives from 1910 to 1932 Chairman of the Committee On Foreign Affairs, Co-Author of the Bill of 1924 for the Improvement of the Foreign Service an Active and Inspiring Leader in the commission on Foreign Service Buildings. A Patriotic and Trusted Servant of the American People, "The Souls of the Righteous are in the Hand of God- Wisdom III I
26.I give and bequeath the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500) to the Druid Ridge Cemetery Company, Pikesville, Maryland, in trust, to invest and reinvest the same and use the income there from, for the placing of flowers or wreaths as may be appropriate, on the graves of my late husband, John Charles Linthicum, and myself in the said Druid Ridge Cemetery on Memorial or Decoration Day, Easter, Christmas, and birthdays of my said husband and myself.
-”Last Will and Testament of Helen A. Linthicum”, No. 8, Case No. 619, File No. 37928, Baltimore City Will J,.H.B. 213-1 Anne Arundel R.G.P. 53-542.
From the book p. 27. Few people even those who live in Linthicum
Turkey Hill
Birthplace of John Charles Linthicum,
Turkey Hill was built about 1822 by William Linthicum. Originally it consisted of a 1 1/2 story frame section and a 3-story field stone section linked together by an open porch. As the family increased in size, Linthicum added another story to the frame portion, making it 2 1./2 stories high. At that time, he also added a one-story front porch across the south façade, built of Neo-Classical design with Doric columns, an elaborate cornice with metopes and triglyphs with dentiled cornices above and below, and a balustrade. Eventually the open porch between the frame and stone parts was enclosed. The frame section is five bays wide, with a central entrance flanked by 4-pane sidelights and surmounted by a transom. Windows are mostly 6/6 sash window flanked by narrow 3/3 sashes. All windows in the stone section are surmounted by brick jack arches. The east end of the stone section is covered by a large early 20th century two–story porch with huge Doric columns and a broken pediment with a large fanlight with tracery in the tympanum. This porch is screened on the first floor and partially enclosed with windows on the second. The second floor also carries a geometric balustrade, interior chimneys rise from each end of the frame section, and the center of the stone section, and from the rear of a gable-roofed rear wing. All appear to be replacements. Three gabled dormers with 6/6 sash project from either side of the roof of the frame section of the house. On the interior, wooden mantels over the fireplaces in the parlor and master bedroom appear to be original. The stairway in the frame portion with its curved balustrade and landings are still present. A mantel in the living room of white Italian marble replaced the old mantel which was destroyed by fire. South of the house is a birdhouse built by William Linthicum, modeled after Camden Station in
-It retains much of its original appearance.
-William Linthicum, excellent carpenter, also built the Sweetser Toll Bridge over the Patapsco on
-Second Owner Sweetser Linthicum, Father of John Charles Linthicum, was a farmer.
-Third owner, brother of John Charles Linthicum, Seth Hance Linthicum was a lawyer who worked in real estate with John Charles Linthicum. They were responsible for the development of
-Seth Hance Linthicum severely remodeled the interior of the house in 1910 but saved a few things such as the crane and kettle of the old fireplace.
-When Seth Hance Linthicum served as the first postmaster of Linthicum the house was the first post office.
-John Charles Linthicum was born in the house as were his two brothers: Dr. George Milton Linthicum, Surgeon, Seth Hance Linthicum, Lawyer and Real Estate Developer.
-National Register of Historic Places, Nomination Form, National Park Service. August, 1975.
-Source: Travels with Charlie and Mrs. Helen Linthicum, Conrad Bladey, 2008
Press Release: The Mystery of the Linthicum Portrait- Have you seen this man anywhere?
Contact- Conrad Bladey,, 410-789-0930.
Have you seen this man? If so let us know!
This portrait has a mystery! It is a portrait of John Charles Linthicum. It was probably painted about 1900. Artist is unknown.
A few months ago I was inspired by the dedication of a local monument to research the lives of John Charles Linthicum and his wife Helen. This research has produced the book: Travels with Helen and Charlie (a guide to places and things related to John Charles and Helen A. Linthicum) and soon a major academic work on the Linthicums: Uncle Charlie and Mrs. Helen Linthicum Maryland Patriots of the Gilded Age. which will soon be published. As an academic researcher, I am dedicated to perfection. While studying the Last Will and Testament of Helen A. Linthicum I came across the following reference:
(words not in italics below are from my guidebook)
"21.I give and bequeath to the
-”Last Will and Testament of Helen A. Linthicum”, No. 8, Case No. 619, File No. 37928, Baltimore City Will J,.H.B. 213-1 Anne Arundel R.G.P. 53-542. -Travels with Charlie and Mrs. Helen Linthicum., Conrad Bladey, 2008
Upon her death, she willed to the school a fine oil portrait of her husband which will be placed in the building named after him."
-Towson State College, Towson, Maryland, Dedication Program for Linthicum Hall and Bufdick Hall, Saturday, November Second, Nineteen Hundred Sixty-Eight at Ten A.M., Burdick Hall. 1968.
- Travels with Charlie and Mrs. Helen Linthicum., Conrad Bladey, 2008
Where was this portrait? I contacted
410-704-2398 (o)
410-704-3760 (f)
Nadia was doing a great job helping me with my research. John Charles Linthicum and his wife both were very interested in
I received an e.mail that indicated that more information was discovered. I thanked Nadia who had been most helpful and rushed right over. Tired I reviewed the new folder made a few copies and brought them home. It was only when I got home that I found the reference to the portrait in the program for the dedication of Linthicum Hall on the campus of the University where the picture was to be hung. There was even a small photo of the portrait in the program.
Ok….the question was…..could the portrait be found in the hall? I contacted Nadia who sent students right over to look for it. That was a few weeks ago. Nadia put out the all points bulletin searching for the portrait but she had to report back on 1/9/09 that it has still not been found.
This is an important portrait of John Charles Linthicum as it may well be the earliest one that we know of. The mystery remained. Where is this man? Perhaps someone reading this will know….Check your office walls. Perhaps the storage room….Let me know….410-789-0930. Anyone providing information leading to the painting will receive a free copy of my guidebook- Travels with Charlie and Mrs. Helen Linthicum., Conrad Bladey, 2008
Here is what I know about the portrait from my guidebook:
"Mrs. Linthicum shared her husband's interest in
-Towson State College, Towson, Maryland, Dedication Program for Linthicum Hall and Bufdick Hall, Saturday, November Second, Nineteen Hundred Sixty-Eight at Ten A.M., Burdick Hall. 1968.
- Travels with Charlie and Mrs. Helen Linthicum., Conrad Bladey, 2008
Be sure not to confuse the portrait in question with two others that I have discovered:
I have located two other portraits of John Charles Linthicum. The first given by Mrs. Helen Linthicum to the House Foreign Affairs committee following the death of her husband. I have recorded it in my guidebook as follows:
Portrait House Foreign
The portrait hangs in room 2200 in the Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 2172
Call the House Foreign Affairs Committee to arrange to visit the portrait. 202-225-5021.
Ritchie presents Linthicum Canvas
Portrait of Marylander Is Accepted by Sol Bloom for Foreign Affairs Group. Painted by T. C. Corner, Governor Pays Tribute to Late
Congressman For Work As Chairman of Committee., (Washington Bureau of the Sun) Washington, Jan. 22- High tribute was paid to the memory and services of the late Representative J. Charles Linthicum by Governor Ritchie in presenting a portrait of the Marylander to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House. Mr.. Linthicum at the time of his death was chairman of the committee.
"I deem it a privilege of doing honor to a very warm friend. We at home are appreciative of his service, his integrity and blameless life. We were hopeful when he became chairman of this committee that he would have an opportunity to do further constructive work."
Painted by Baltimorean
The portrait which was executed by Thomas C. Corner, of
"In accepting this portrait it does not require a picture to remind us of the great work Mr. Linthicum has done in this committee." said Mr. Bloom. "It was his desire and wish that the
buildings in foreign lands will remain a monument to his efforts."
Bishop Gives Invocation
Bishop James E. Freeman of
A number of officials of the State Department and representatives of foreign countries attended the ceremonies, including Rudolph Leitner counselor of the German Embassy and Dr. Alfred Sze, Minister form the
Following the ceremony a reception was held in the Speakers' lobby of the House where more than a hundred Democratic and Republican members left the floor to meet Governor Ritchie.
After the reception Governor Ritchie was the guest of honor at a luncheon given by the
-Travels with Charlie and Mrs. Helen Linthicum., Conrad Bladey, 2008.
This is clearly a different portrait done later in life.
News of a second portrait came via a newspaper article. I reported it in my guidebook as follows:
Another portrait of John Charles Linthicum was located and purchased by the Linthicum Family. It is currently on display in the ground floor of Auburn House on the campus of
"Linthicum portrait finds "resting place" at
…By chance, the family learned through a friend that the portrait by French artist Theo Dube was going to be auctioned off by Harris Auctions of Baltimore City. “They didn't tell us a thing, it had a beautiful frame on it but it was in bad shape," he said. A whole family crew went up for the auction, including Sweetser Linthicum and in law Paul Wildman. Mr.Wildman, an artist, headed the bidding and bought the portrait. Later he retouched it and made a special frame for the picture to replace the ornate, but broken original one. The painting was placed above the deep red couch on the red brocade wall in Sweetser Linthicum's home on
Not only did the congressman graduate from the university- when it was known as the State Normal School- but he was instrumental to relocating the school to
- The Capital,
-Travels with Charlie and Mrs. Helen Linthicum., Conrad Bladey, 2008
This portrait is also not the same. It was done earlier in life than the last one but not as early as the one mentioned in the will.
I am most interested in any information, photos, or other images of John Charles Linthicum and his wife Helen.
I can be reached at